Nowheresville — 6 of 60

Morpheus Kitami & Cody Gaisser

Release 1

Chapter 4 - Help & Hints


A thing can be examined or unexamined. A thing is usually unexamined. Carry out examining something: now the noun is examined.

Taking inventory is acting confused. Looking is acting confused. Examining an examined thing is acting confused.

After acting confused for the sixth turn:

say "If you need help, type HELP for assistance."

When play begins:

choose row 1 in Table of Basic Help Options;

now description entry is "[i]Nowheresville[/i] is a weird fiction text adventure.[paragraph break]You are stuck in an oddly perfect town that might be Hell. Are you going to try to escape again?[paragraph break]Implemented by Morpheus Kitami & Cody Gaisser.[line break]Tested by Robinson Nox.[line break]Thanks to everyone at INTFICTION.ORG for the invaluable advice."

Table of Basic Help Options (continued)

"Hints"Table of Hints--
["Settings"Table of Setting Options-- ]

Table of Hints

"What's going on here?"Table of Basic Hints""hint toggle rule
"What do I do with this toy gun?"Table of Gun Hints""hint toggle rule
"What do I do in the junkyard?"Table of Junk Hints""hint toggle rule
"What do I do with the hammer?"Table of Hammer Hints""hint toggle rule
"What are these numbers on this card?"Table of Combo Hints""hint toggle rule
"How do I get into the mysterious house?"Table of Mystery Hints""hint toggle rule
"How do I get into the nice house?"Table of Nice Hints""hint toggle rule
"I've found a bullet, what do I do with it?"Table of Bullet Hints""hint toggle rule

Table of Basic Hints

"You've found yourself trapped in an oddly perfect town that might be Hell. Will you try to escape again?"a number
"You'll need to explore the town and examine your surroundings carefully if you're going to find a way out."
"You may need to find some tools to help you access hard-to-reach places."

Table of Gun Hints

"What do you usually do with a gun?"a number
"You shoot things with it."
"It looks like the gun isn't loaded."
"You're going to need some ammunition."
"Surely there's some ammo hidden somewhere."

Table of Junk Hints

"If you're going to accomplish much in the junkyard, you're going to need to get past that pesky guard dog."a number
"Do you have anything the dog might want?"
"Take a trip to the butcher."
"Try feeding the beef to the dog."
"If the dog eats the raw beef, maybe you can still get more?"
"Maybe there's a way to incapacitate the dog?"
"Try drugging the beef."
"Is there anything in the junkyard you can take?"
"Is there anything else in the junkyard you can examine?"
"The old fridge looks suspicious."
"Can you open the old fridge?"
"The latch on the old fridge looks rusty."
"Maybe you can clean or lubricate it somehow?"
"Have you found a rag anywhere?"
"There's a clean rag in the garage."
"Does the clean rag work on the fridge?"
"Maybe you need some lubricant?"
"Have you seen any oil anywhere?"
"Does anything seem out of place on Main Street?"
"You're going to need what's inside that balloon."
"How to get the balloon?"
"You can't seem to reach the balloon..."
"Maybe you can pop the balloon without actually reaching it."
"Does poking it achieve anything?"
"Maybe there's another way to pop the balloon?"
"Have you found anything sharp and pointy that might pop the balloon?"
"There should be a pin lying around somewhere..."
"The pin is in the dressmaker's."
"Is there a way to reach the balloon with the pin?"
"Try throwing the pin at the balloon."
"Now there's a puddle of oil on Main Street."
"Can you get the oil somehow?"
"Have you found a rag somewhere?"
"The rag is in the garage."
"Try getting the rag oily."
"Does the oily rag work on the fridge?"
"After lubricating the latch with the oily rag, you should be able to open the old fridge."
"What's in the fridge? Could this be useful somehow?"

Table of Hammer Hints

"You can hit or pry things with the clawhammer."a number
"The hammer has several uses, some more crucial to your escape than others."
"Is anything stuck shut that might become openable with some hitting or prying?"
"Is your attention drawn to anything in the apartment building?"
"Try using the hammer to open the mailboxes."

Table of Combo Hints

"Maybe these numbers are some kind of clue."a number
"Maybe they're some sort of address or password?"
"Or a combination?"
"Have you seen anything that needs a combination to open?"
"Try the lockers in the school."
"The cobination to locker 5151 is 666."

Table of Bullet Hints

"What do you usually do with a bullet?"a number
"Bullets go in guns."
"Put the bullet in the toy gun."
"Will the gun fire?"
"Did you lose your bullet?"
"Be careful what you shoot."
"What sorts of things might you need to shoot?"
"Do you always lose your bullet after shooting the gun?"
"The bullet is only expended when you shoot the 'wrong' things."
"What are the 'right' things to shoot?!"
"Does anything in town look like it has been shot before?"
"Does any place in town stand out from the rest?"
"Have you explored the houses in town?"
"Have you explored the mysterious house?"
"Have you been to the basement?"
"Have you examined the wall in the basement?"
"The wall in the basement has cracks emanating from a hole that looks like it was put there by a bullet."
"Shoot the hole in the basement in the mysterious house."

Table of Mystery Hints

"Have you tried the door?"a number
"The door seems to be locked, so you might need a key."
"Have you explored the other house in town?"
"Focus on the nice house first."
"Does anything unusual grab your attention inside the nice house?"
"Try examining the display cases."
"Try examining the figurine cabinet."
"Why is there a figurine that looks like you inside the cabinet?"
"Can you get the figurine?"
"Try opening the cabinet."
"It looks like the cabinet is locked. You'll have to find a way to open it."
"What are the cabinet doors made of?"
"Break the cabinet."
"Now you can take the figurine of yourself."
"Have you examined the figurine?"
"Have you examined the figurine while holding it?"
"It sounds like there's something rattling around inside the figurine."
"Break the figurine."
"There's an ornate key inside."
"The ornate key unlocks the mysterious house."

Table of Nice Hints

"Have you tried the door?"a number
"The door seems to be locked, so you might need a key."
"Have you examined the door?"
"Do you notice anything unusual about the door?"
"The door has a keyhole, maybe you can examine that?"
"There's a gap under ths door, maybe you can examine that?"
"The key is in the keyhole, but you're on the wrong side of the door."
"There are a couple of ways to go about this."
"You can probably knock the key out of the hole somehow, but you'll still need a way to retrieve it."
"What could possibly fit through the keyhole?"
"Have you found any sort of stiff wire in town?"
"There's a coathanger at the clothing store."
"Will the coathanger fit in the keyhole?"
"Maybe if you bent the coathanger?"
"Put the straightened hanger in the keyhole."
"The straightened hanger will knock the key to the floor. Did you have a plan for retrieving it?"
"Do you have anything that will fit under the gap in the door?"
"Paper or the straightened coathanger should fit under the door."
"There's paper in the office block if you know where to look."
"If you put the paper in the gap before putting the hanger in the keyhole, the paper will catch the key when it falls."
"You can then take the paper and get the key, unless you already knocked the key to the floor."
"If you already knocked the key on the floor, you can still fish it out."
"Try using the straightened hanger to fish the key from under the door."
"The brass key unlocks the nice house."