Nowheresville — 9 of 60

Morpheus Kitami & Cody Gaisser

Release 1

Chapter 7 - Introduction


When play begins:

display the boxed quotation

"'Hell is other people.' - Jean-Paul Sartre";

show the current quotation;

pause the game;

say "[line break]This work is intended for a mature adult audience.";

wait for any key;

say "[line break]Player discretion is advised.";

wait for any key;

say "[line break]Type HELP at any time.";

wait for any key;

clear the screen;

say "You don't remember how you got here. All you remember is the realization that you were in a strange building, before you walked out and started wandering the streets, desperate to find anything remotely familiar to you.";

wait for any key;

say "[line break]You found yourself walking down streets you didn't recognize, through parks you've never seen. Travelling constantly in one direction hoping you find something that resembles your memories. Then you realize you've been walking in circles even though you have been walking in the same direction for hours.";

wait for any key;

say "[line break]Dejected, you walk into a diner. The waitress looks a little surprised to see you, as if she wasn't expecting customers. 'Give me a drink', you ask.[paragraph break]She hands you a cup of water and then stares directly at you. It's somewhat unnerving. Surely, you aren't that much of a shocking presence in this strange town?[paragraph break]'Could I have something to eat?'";

wait for any key;

say "[line break]'I'm afraid I don't have a chef. Is there anything else I could do for you?'[paragraph break]'Where are we?'[paragraph break]'I'll tell you' she says...";

wait for any key;

clear the screen;

say "[b]N O W H E R E S V I L L E[/b]";

wait for any key;

clear the screen;

say "[line break]'...or Hell. There is no way out or in. We've all been here for a long time. Longer than you've been alive. You're remembering things again. I don't know why but the rest of you fade in and out of...shall we say NPC status. I remember everything.'";

wait for any key;

say "[line break]'Lucky you, you're conscious again. Guess what the candy man did to you finally healed. I don't even see any scars.' She looks at your neck. 'Are you going to try to break out again?'";

wait for any key;

clear the screen.

Before starting the virtual machine:

now the left hand status line is "";

now the right hand status line is "".