Nowheresville — 18 of 60

Morpheus Kitami & Cody Gaisser

Release 1

Section Second Avenue West

There is a room called Second Avenue West.

The description of Second Avenue West is "The clean streets continue east and west. There's a large building here to the south, with a sign indicating it is an apartment building. Looking at the number of windows, you think it has six floors. On the north side lies a library."

[NOTE: Yes, I'm aware there's a difference between the exterior and interior, we can change it if it doesn't work.]

The apartment sign is scenery in Second Avenue West. Understand "sign" as the apartment sign.

The description of the apartment sign is "The sign says 'APARTMENTS'."

[The buildings are scenery in Second Avenue West. Understand "building" as the buildings.

The description of the buildings is "There's a large building here to the south, with a sign indicating it is an apartment building. Looking at the number of windows, you think it has six floors. On the opposite side lies a library."]

The apartmentfront is scenery in Second Avenue West.

The printed name of the apartmentfront is "apartment building".

Understand "apartment" or "apartments" or "apartment building" or "windows" or "window" or "floors" or "floor" or "building" or "buildings" as the apartmentfront.

The description of the apartmentfront is "There's a large building here to the south, with a sign indicating it is an apartment building. Looking at the number of windows, you think it has six floors."

The bookfront is scenery in Second Avenue West.

The printed name of bookfront is "library".

Understand "library" or "brick" or "brick building" or "roof" or "lettering" or "building" or "buildings" as the bookfront.

The description of the bookfront is "To the north is a rectangular brick building with a flat roof. Lettering on the building reads 'LIBRARY'."

North of Second Avenue West is Library.

South of Second Avenue West is Apartment Building.

West of Second Avenue West is Second & Union.